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Welcome to the Swedish British Society

The Society was founded on 13th November 1919 at the instigation of 

Crown Prince Gustav Adolf. Archbishop Nathan Söderblom was elected as the first ever President,

 and Marcus Wallenberg became Vice President.


Crown Prince Gustav Adolf, who later became King Gustav VI Adolf of Sweden,

and Crown Princess Margareta (granddaughter of English Queen Victoria), became Patrons.

They both took a keen interest in the Society but, sadly, Crown Princess Margareta died in 1920. 

When the Crown Prince remarried in 1923, it was to another Englishwoman, Lady Louise Mountbatten, who continued to take a kindly interest in the Society until her death in 1965.

The Society’s aims were the furtherance of Swedish-British contacts and cultural activities, and in addition to purely social occasions, lectures by distinguished visitors, amateur theatricals and exchanges of schoolchildren were regular features of the programmes between the wars. 

Conversation classes were held from en early date, and there were lunches and bridge evenings.


To learn more about us, please go to a Brief history






        25th September, 30th October, 27th November, 6 pm.

Valhallavägen 104
The first “last-Wednesday…” meeting took place some eight years ago. Eleven people came.

The record so far is 46, with an average of 25. At these meetings there are always drinks, bits to eat and society Council members to share your ideas with. Refreshments are at give-away prices.

Space is limited, so please confirm that you’re coming, to 08-678 73 33 or by email

a few days before the events. We take cash or Swish: 1235094222.

Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, later King Gustaf VI Adolf (1882-1973).



Photos from previous events


Talk and film,  Battle of Britain, Villa Ludvigsberg

Garden party, in" our" garden 2024

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Crayfish party at our office, 2023

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